Pastoral Care

Pastoral care is central to everything we do in Senior School as it helps us achieve our aim of developing the whole child. Pastoral life is led by the Head of School who directs the work of the heads of year and the form tutors. On a daily basis, form tutors are vital in overseeing the progress and development of our students. They are attentive, supportive, and work closely with experienced heads of year to ensure that no child misses out and that each receives the support and direction that they need. 

Our form tutors have a key role to play in the emotional, social and academic development of the children. However, every adult in Senior School is responsible for knowing your child individually and how to support their development and wellbeing. We get to know our students well and build open and trusting relationships so that all children are successful. We recognise the challenges that young people face today and it is important that we equip them with the skills, resilience, independence and confidence to be transformative global citizens. 

Our academic curriculum and pastoral care are intertwined. Additionally, the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) curriculum, which we offer, provides opportunities for our pupils to understand the world around them. For us, it is crucial that our students learn about the significant role they have to play in our community. It is crucial that they develop a sense of responsibility for our community and a true understanding of what makes them exceptional so that they can develop confidence, and a secure set of moral values. It is also crucial that they are encouraged to aim for the highest standards in all that they do and to treat others with the kind of respect they would want afforded to them.

The energy and enthusiasm to teach and have a positive influence on the lives of children is always evident in all that they do.  My child has definitely benefitted from the rich curriculum that CIS offers. 

KS3 Parent